Alto's adventure chrome web store
Alto's adventure chrome web store

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Browser offline storage: localForage/localForage.Browser offline storage: marcuswestin/store.js.


Joystick: jeromeetienne/virtualjoystick.js.mourner/suncalc, Moon & Sun calculation.aaccurso/phaser-state-transition-plugin.Cudabear/phaser-illuminated: A Javascript library for interfacing Phaser.js and Illuminated.js for light effects in web games.Ezelia/EZGUI: The missing GUI for Pixi.js and A swipe component for Boilerplate menu system for - Shop - Virtual Joystick Plugin.Starting out with Phaser and the Isometric Plug-in.Phaser Tutorial – How to Create an Idle Clicker Game.Platformer Tutorial with Phaser and Tiled: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3.phaser-pvz: Some of the basics of a game involving plants and zombies, made with Phaser.Pong Game: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7.How to "lock" orientation in your HTML5 responsive game using Phaser.Playable, buildable, and published as a tutorial for other game developers. CanyonRunner: A complete HTML5 game using the Phaser framework.Scale, Rotate and Reflect Sprites with drag and drop.Phaser: Attach Particle Emitter to a sprite.Cyber-Orb: demo game showcasing Phaser development with Device Orientation od Vibration APIs.phaser-sidescroller: Phaser sidescroller game.admob-demo-game-phaser: Demo game for Cordova AdMob plugin, using phaser game engine.FlappyBirdClone_tuto: Phaser game development tuto.phaser-platform: A platform game developed with An HTML5 multiplayer arena-style combat game.shmup: A shooter game based on Phaser framework.Phaser & P2 Physics: Working with Polygon Colliders.Blocker - Multiplayer online game using Phaser + WebSocket (Socket.IO).Help me add new games :) Other games (multiplayer) Install dependencies: yarn & bower install.Install global: npm install -g bower gulp yarn.A collection of games made by phaser, DEMO

Alto's adventure chrome web store